Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Where is Governor Walker?

For whatever it is worth, I personally find it incredibly embarrassing for our state to have the governor on a whirl wind tour across the country trumpeting his supposed political successes and soliciting campaign funds to combat the recall against him in order to stay in office. Recall or not, he is being paid to perform a job right here in Wisconsin for us the people of Wisconsin. So why isn’t he here in the state doing that job that we elected him to do and are paying him to do? After all, isn’t that what he told us about the senators who went to Illinois last year?

If Governor Walker truly wants us to believe that he is in the political fight of his life where the judge and jury of the recall election comes down to us the residents of Wisconsin casting our vote for or against him, then why in the world is he spending so much time out of the state catering to people who do not even live or vote here? Why isn’t he back here in Wisconsin demonstrating that he is the right person for the job and that he genuinely cares about the impact of his actions upon us as his constituents?

Think about it for a second, Governor Walker is literally going from IL, to MI and every other state proclaiming that he is the state savior. But he isn’t just saying it as if he is being successful; he is brazenly trying to convince his out of state audiences that he has been decisively victorious as the Governor of Wisconsin. Yet at the same time he is casting himself as some sort of victimized underdog that needs mountains of cash  if he is to continue carrying this torch of political righteousness through the recall process.

A few months ago Governor Walker told the media that he should have considered doing a better job of explaining and selling us the people of Wisconsin on his plan to enact Act 10 before boldly pushing the legislation through. Yet here we are at another critical juncture in state history where Governor Walker has the opportunity to explain himself and his actions. He has the opportunity to demonstrate transparency, integrity and statesmanship to us. But instead where is he and how is he using that time?

As a Republican, I am embarrassed that Governor Walker is out of state soliciting campaign funds from special interest groups while relentlessly criticizing the “other side” for bringing in out of state money and influence to attack him. Seriously, how ignorant does he think that we are to not question all of this and at what point does the average person, (much less the son of a preacher) take reflective pause to consider the hypocrisies dripping from all of this? Is there any reason to believe that Governor Walker is giving any consideration towards the consequences of his actions when the people of Wisconsin go to the polls?

When the senators went to Illinois, Governor Walker proclaimed that the arena was here in Madison Wisconsin and not out of state. Well last I knew, the “arena” has not relocated.  Generally I would love to have a Republican Governor in office and leading our great state, but in the end I simply want and need someone who knows where he lives and who he or she is supposed to be working for. Lastly, I want a senator who is of the same moral character, and not one who mirrors the drum beat of our absentee governor.  

A higher road is all that I am asking for and I cannot believe that I am the only Republican out there who feels this way.




  1. Couldn't agree with you more, Gary!

  2. Great idea Gary. Last spring I was concerned that the voter ID and the overreach intended to destroy the funding base for the Democratic Party would take away the voices of the middle class working folk of Wisconsin. Now I am concerned that the extremist, no compromise, my way or the highway approach by the Republican party will destroy it. I want a Governor and legilators who answer to the people of Wisconsin! I was hoping Senator Dale Schultz would have primaried Governor Walker so that we could have had a referendum on the direction we want the party to go.


  3. Did you know that there is another Republican on the ballot in the Republican primary? His name is Arthur Kohl-Rigs.

    1. Yes, and I did hear him speak on the news briefly. I believe he is a student. Based on what he said he is spot on with regard to the history of the party and has valid reasons for running. He is not a fake, just a young person who is bewildered with the direction of the party.


  4. My mother and father voted Republican all of their lives. I always considered myself Independent but voted Republican at times I considered the Republican candidate the better of the two.
    Now, I intend to vote for any of the Democrats that face Walker if for no other reason than to dismiss him from office. In my view, a change at that level offers the most effective way of dulling the extremism exhibited by the Republican Party in Wisconsin.
    Anonymous is correct in pointing out that another Republican like the moderate Dale Schultz offers Republicans a far better opportunity to hold on to the reins in Wisconsin. I do not like any of the current potential Democratic contenders but would vote for any of them to remove Walker from office.
    Would I vote for any Democrat over Walker? Yes.
    Would I vote for Dale Schultz over any Democratic contender? Yes.

  5. Thanks for your words, Gary. I am 'one of those' on the 'other side' but I support you 100%.

    (I chose "anon" just 'cause it's easiest! I'll happily sign my name!)

