Thursday, May 17, 2012

Talk is cheap Governor Walker; even Republicans are growing tired of it!

Three key points jump out at me when I read this article about Governor Walker:

1)     Governor Walker talks about utilizing a more comprehensive and inclusive process when introducing future legislation after the recall election.  Well guess what, talk is cheap? This is not the first time that the governor has talked about how he will conduct himself moving forward.  But sadly, talk is all we seem to get from him on this issue. The governor only seems to reference his intent for being more open with us.  If he truly means what he says, then why can’t he just demonstrate it through action?  Or is he just offering lip service to deceive us out of our vote on June 5th. 

2)     Governor Walker continues to be asked several times and in several different ways whether he would veto any right-to-work legislation.  Interestingly (but not surprising) this article shows that the governor continues to skirt around the question and offer a response that does not actually provide a definitive yes or no answer.  Governor Walker seems to be hiding something and I wonder if it is his way to not upsetting his out of state donors while trying not to lose votes that he so desperately needs.  Seriously, show me one time where Governor Walker has actually made a clear yes or no response to his position on vetoing right-to-work legislation.  After all, he did support the right-to-work bill when he was a legislator. 

3)     Governor Walker stated that "We don't want to redo the debate we had last year."  My only question for the governor on that one is simply, “when did you ever offer a debate, discussion, or anything of the sort?”  I vividly recall, (I mean remember) Governor Walker repeatedly telling us that we are broke and that there is nothing to debate.  If Governor Walker is thinking that we forgot about that or if he is hoping that we will start feeling sorry for him as we head to the polls, he is badly mistaken.  After all, it is a little too late for any Stockholm Syndrome at this point. 

Please read the article and let me know what you think.  Personally, I am growing tired of the governor trying to spin everything non-stop.  I am sure that I am not the only Republican voter who feels this way.  Let’s just get to the polls and get him out of office so that we can move on as a state.


Walker says he's not afraid to lose recall

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